Your little new family member has just arrived home and you have no idea how you should name him/her? Physical characteristics or personalities are great source of inspirations (for example a fluffy tail, long ears, loud purr, razor claws:)) If you need a little help, here is our selection of 50 + 50 popular cat names in the UK in 2022 which can give you creative and fun ideas for any age, gender, fur colour or purrr-sonalities:)
1: Bella
2: Milo
3: Poppy
4: Luna
5: Oscar
6: Tilly
7: Pepper
8: Luna
9: Jasper
10: Molly
11: Leo
12: Princess
13: Cleo
14: Loki
15: Willow
16: Simba
17: Merlin
18: Smudge
19: Ronnie
20: Missy
21: Ziggy
22: Alfie
23: Amber
24: Fluffy
25: Cookie
26: Blue
27: Kiki
28: Muffin
29: Toby
30: Oliver
31: Daisy
32: Charlie
33: Felix
34: Gizmo
35: Chloe
36: Roxy
38: Mimi
39: Lola
40: Bob
41: Mojito
42: Latte
43: Duke
44: Olive
45: Lily
46: Latte
47: Prince
48: Tom
49: Cinderella
50: Dusty

For kitties with black fur
1: Sooty
2: Misty
3: Merlin
4: Luna
5: Cosmo
6: Shadow
7: Pepper
8: Smok(e)y
9: Oreo
10: Ash
For ginger kitties
1: Garfield
2: Ginger
3: Amber
4: Cinnamon
5: Pumpkin
6: Cheeto
7: Alfie
8: Fanta
9: Tiger
10: Dorito
For white furballs
1: Casper
2: Snowflake
3: Frosty
4: Tofu
5: Angel
6: Duchess
7: Bunny
8: Marble
9: Coconut
10: Daisy
For grey ( silver / blue ) colour kitties
1: Dusty
2: Blue
3: Moon (Moonstone)
4: Granite
5: Lloyd
6: Luna
7: Lavender
8: Misty
9: Sylvester
10: Tom
For tortie babies
1: Coco
2: Sparkles
3: Marbles
4: Stormy
5: Caramel
6: Marmalade
7: Pansy
8: Guiness
9: Shady
10: Mocha
As time passes, you will probably find yourself calling your cat on another 100+ hilarious nicknames too, such as: Powder puff, Whispurr, Purrito, Ms Claws, Nugget, Kitty Purry, Dobby, Kit Kat, Furry Elise, Catzilla, Picatso and so on. Please let us know in the comments what is your cat's name and his/her funniest nicknames! :)
1 comment
My kitten Rosie is a very pretty puss. I took her to the vet for her inoculations. The vet gave her a health check then announced that Rosie is actually a boy. We are now looking for a name that suits him. Problem is he is a very pretty kitty.